Saturday, July 10, 2010

It's a GIRL!!!!

Ok, so you already knew that....but what kind of mom would I be if I didn't officially announce it on my blog (that I'm convinced a has thousands of lurkers who aren't friends with me on Facebook and don't comment (shout out to my 1 commenter, Sarah!!))

Nevertheless, we found out on 7/7/10, Derek's birthday, that our baby is a girl. I was in shock. Derek knew it was a girl. So much for my motherly instincts. I thought for sure it was a boy for several reasons. Scientifically (and I won't go into that) I thought it would have been a boy, I craved things people usually crave with boys, I didn't have much sickness, etc. As soon as you see that little squirmy baby you fall in love...hard! The tech asked if we wanted to find out the sex, my response "Psshhht. Of course!" She said we would do it towards the end of the viewing or whatever it's called. Well she started measuring the femur and accidentally got a little booty shot and I saw it. I knew right then we had ourselves a little girl! I just kept saying, "I can't believe it, we're having a girl." Derek finally told me to shut it. Ok, he didn't really.

Campbell Avery will be her name. My mom asked me years ago if I would name my little girl Campbell after my Pawpaw. I agreed and have never forgotten my promise and plus I just really love the name! I love names that have a connection with something. Onto the ultrasound pics that I had to take pictures of. My apologies for the ghetto factor of it all...

Her profile...isn't it so sweet. I just love their little round heads. I'm convinced she looks just like me from the side, but lets be can't really tell.

So I feel kind of bad for exposing her, but the three little lines is what I saw when the tech was measuring her femur. Campbell kept her ankles crossed. She's already a little lady.
And lastly, her little leg and foot. So cute.

In other exciting news...I will be a Starbuck's employee (again) starting this coming week!!
With a baby on the way, another steady income is in need. Hopefully I'll be able to juggle school, work and pregnancy. I'll be going back to the location I worked at in 2007 (I think). I could have worked at one closer to me, but I really like the manager where I used to work. We met and talked about everything. She's so open and willing to work with whatever situation you might be going through. Which is why I chose to go back there!! I'm really excited to start!

OH, one last thing. I just wanted to congratulate our friends Zac and Leah on finding out they are also having a baby girl, Ella Reese!! They are about to move (insert very sad face here), but hopefully we can still meet up and our girls can become good friends!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the shout out.

Hi Campbell! I thought you were a boy!