Tuesday, August 31, 2010

My Little Jumping Bean

I apologize for the Two and a Half Men you hear in the background. Those are the types of shows you get to enjoy when you don't have cable. Campbell was in rare form for a few minutes tonight!! I caught it on video and thought I would share it on here!!

jumping bean from Whitney Jones on Vimeo.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Little Library!

Remember the little shelves I got for a steal at the Peddler's Mall. You know, the orange ones?! These...
Well they have finally all been painted and all been hung with care. I can't remember where I got the idea to create a little library of sorts, but Im sure it was HGTV inspired or something. Right now Campbell's library is pretty sad. I think we only have 3 books, but along the way we intend to fill her little bookshelf and alternate books off and on the shelves. Here is the finished product!
The first book Derek picked out for Campbell was a Curious George Collection....
As you can kind of see, the little groves that the shelves have are perfect for nudging the books down into. I'd hate to have them just leaning there and slide off while she's sleeping one day or night. I would surely make a mess in my pants if I heard that in her room at night. Shew....Im nervous just thinking about it! ANYWAY, I'm really pleased with how they turned out. Here's a better view of that whole wall.
While I'm at it, I thought I would post a few more pics since her nursery is (for the most part) done. Just waiting on a few more possible shower gifts and a rocking chair that Derek's mom and sister-in-law are going to paint for me. It'll go right to the right of the swing in the above picture!!
Yes, I stuffed a pillow into the changing pad cover. No, I will not actually be using that as a changing pad. It was for effect.
I turned my Boppy pillow sideways to make a C.

I found a picture of my Pawpaw, Campbell, and framed it in her room.
Yay!!! I love her little room. I always walk in there sporadically just to see it and get little butterflies in my stomach. I am keeping my eyes peeled for something to go above her bed...I'm sure I'll figure something out. Thanks to my wonderful husband for putting up with my sometimes extremely urgent need to do things in her room.
Yeah, him!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Not much change, but...

26 Weeks!! Well, on Wednesday...I'm getting a little ahead of myself.

And goin' crazy this week with a front view!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

How to spruce up a basket...

OK...so I know I have seriously taken craft glue and ribbon to each and every basket in Campbell's room. I think it may be a sickness. However, this one takes the cake! I mean, it's nothing to write home about, but I was kind of proud that I thought of it...that's all. So here is your 5 step picture tutorial. Hold on to your knickers!!

1. Choose said basket.
OOoooOoo! Ahhhhhhh!!

2. Choose some purty ribbon. Check.

3. Measure the length around yo' basket and cut yo' ribbon to size.

4. Fold ribbon in half to find the middle. Cut 2 small slits in the middle of the ribbon.

5. Get yourself the largest bottle of craft glue at Micheal's (cause trust me, you will look for things you can use it on) and glue the ribbon onto the basket. Here's the only catch. Don't glue directly behind the slits. This will make since momentarily.
6. Let the glue dry...or if you're like me, try to distract yourself for all of 30 mins and then tell yourself it's dry enough. Find your nearest bow or clip and slide it through the slits you so carefully cut out earlier.
And for your convenience and so you don't feel tied down...change it up!
I realize the green doesn't look too hot with the ribbon, but it was for effect, thankyouverymuch. Remember the shelves I mentioned that I bought for the little "library" in Campbell's room. Well here they are in all their glory.
The little groove they already possessed. Perfect to wedge a little book in!
Since purchased at the Peddler's mall, I have painted them each white and strategically waited until my birthday to ask Derek to hang them. He can't say no to me on my birthday, right?! Mwahahahaha!!! I will take a pic of them up soon. They look so great and I'm very pleased!! That's all for now though...

Friday, August 13, 2010

24 Weeks!!

Campbell's getting so big! I grew super fast at first and have definitely plateaued....which is really fine with me. Campbell probably weighs a little over a pound right now. I think within the next few weeks babies usually have a nice little growth spurt...so I'm looking forward to that! I feel her moving so much more these days which is very comforting. What can I say, I love being preggers!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Campbell Kicks!

I caught a kick on video! Well, the effect of a kick/punch I guess. It happens at 20 seconds, right after I zoom in closer to the phone. There's no need to watch after that really. I think she may kick on other time (ok 1:08, but don't blink...you'll miss it), but mainly my breathing is the only thing moving the phone!

Girl got kicks! from Whitney Jones on Vimeo.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Girl got some decorations!

Well, Campbell's room is almost complete! Now I am just buying a few little decorative things, not things she needs. It's fun, but I still don't like spending the money....so with that said...I am pretty much done! The curtains we got for her room are BY FAR the most expensive thing we've bought for her. We bought just one panel because they were so expensive, but it honestly didn't look right. It wasn't anything I couldn't live with...but thankfully my mom came to the rescue and got us the second one! Thanks again, Mom! Now it looks MUCH better. See....
Here's a closer look at the pattern on them.
I made a visit to the Peddler's Mall to try to find some other goodies. I was mainly looking for shelves for either side of the window. I want to do little library for her on that wall. I was also looking for a little lamp to go on her changing table. Luckily I found both! I really felt like the shelves were a steal. I found a bucket full of simple little shelves. I got four 24" ones for $5 a piece and a smaller one for $3. I will have to paint them, but that doesn't bother me. I will take a pic when I get them all up! I also found a cute little unique lamp. Here it is.
I really wish the shade were white, but it's more similar to the color of the walls. Again, nothing I can't live with. It was $14. A little more than I wanted to spend, but I thought it was really cute and one-of-a-kind! Another little one-of-a-kind find I made was this beauty...
...and it coordinates so well with the room, right?! WRONG. I love owls and for $4 I thought it would make a cute little decoration. I knew I wouldn't hang it and contemplated painting it a color, but after a while I just decided on white. As for the fate of that little pendant hanging out of the owl, I thought it would be cool to cut it off and make it into a necklace. Just have to find some string or something to put it on and Wah-la (how do you spell that anyway?) Here's the finished product!
I went with the bow on top of the head to add a little femininity :) and because it had a hole there that I thought looked a little weird. So those are Campbell's decorations! Here's another adorable picture that I couldn't resist showing ya!

Monday, August 2, 2010

I know...I know...

I need to blog!! I have been so busy/exhausted with work that I haven't had much time to...nor have I felt up to it! I would take a belly pic, but I truly haven't grown at all I don't feel like. I have been feeling Campbell kick/punch a lot more...which I love. Also, just today, I think I am feeling her hiccup. It's a rhythmic little movement in my belly that kind of tickles a little!!

Campbell got her first bows!! I really had no idea I would be like this with a little girl...but it's really happening. I like all things girl!! Here's a pic of her bows on the bow holder I made.
In other news....there were big plans to paint Campbell's nursery (blue..gasp, I know!) and add some other decorative things (bead board to be exact), but Derek and I have just decided to leave it the way it is. The color is neutral and coordinates, so I think we'd rather save up the money we would spend decorating it and put it in her piggy bank! We can always change it when she get's an opinion anyway!! Well that's all I've got for now. I promise to try to blog more!