Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Our little Vacay

So Derek had 4 days or so off a couple of weeks ago. We decided to have a little day vacation. We went to Newport Aquarium and Ikea in Cincinnati.
Please notice my super cool white tennis shoes that make my non-existent ankles look even more cankle like. I know, you're so jealous. Also notice my reflection in the glass to the left of me that makes my legs look like I have some sort of elephantitus-like disease. haha!

Derek keeping watch of the sharks. He was like a kid. I don't think the sharks would want him though. He's to bony.

I'm not that interested in Jelly fish...actually I'm rather scared of them. This display was pretty cool though. We don't have a picture of it, but a display that was NOT cool was of the Spider Crabs. OMG!! Suckers were like the size of my dogs, with legs a foot long. I'm working hard to repress any memory of them....
So I don't have photographic proof, but we also went to Ikea. I had really talked it up to Derek, so I hoped he wasn't disappointed!! You've seen the picture of the crib we got for just $99. We also got 2 night stands and 2 lamps to go on top of them! I love them. They match better than we had hoped.
Well that's all I've got for now. We find out in one short week what our little one is!! Sooo excited to be able to refer to our babe as he or she and not 'it'.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Baby Room Fix-up - Update!!

So we've gotten quite a bit done already. We went ahead and got the crib at Ikea. I love it cause it's low to the ground and was only $99! I'm thinking about painting that little orangey colored table white too.
We also got this awesome dresser as a hand me down. I'm going to give it a new coat of white and replace the knobs. Depending on how brave I get, I may paint the drawers a different color than the rest of the dresser. I'll put a changing pad on top of it and use it as a changing table. Can you tell I'm a little too excited about this?!!

Belly Pic!!

16 weeks!! I feel so blessed to have made it this far! I'm actually 17 weeks as of yesterday, but I haven't changed much since I took this picture.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Baby Room Fix-up!!

After you see the pictures, you'll see we have a long way to go! This is the smallest room in our house and I think it will be perfect for our baby's room. As you can see we are beyond blessed and already have a lot of baby stuff that has been handed down to us! I am beyond thankful to everyone who has given us their stuff. After we find out the gender we are going to go straight into decorating the nursery. Not because I necessarily want to, but I know myself and I know if I have school work and nursery stuff to choose between...I'm going to pick the nursery. I want to have it completed so it will be less of a distraction! I want to keep you all updated in the process because I know you're all just dying to see it through completion. haha.
Again, sooooooo thankful for all of this stuff!!
Tha blue stuff is Kentucky apparel. It's the first thing I bought because I knew there was no way Derek wouldn't approve!!
The little Piggy Bank Derek started for our little one. He empties his change into it every afternoon, which I (of course) think is really sweet!
Tonight we are going to work on going through a bit more of the random stuff that is in their and moving it to the attic. I can't wait to watch the progress on our little ones room and I hope you enjoy the transformation too!!

Monday, June 14, 2010

I'm back!!

I kind of can't believe I'm actually doing it....but I'm coming back to blogging! With Derek and I embarking on lots of new adventures this year, I thought I would have lots to write about. As you probably know one of my biggest dreams is coming true! I'm going to be a mommy!! I have been asking Derek if we could have a baby since about the day after we got married. I always knew I wanted to be a mom, but after I married Derek I really knew I wanted to be a mom. Our little babe isn't due till December 3rd, so I am practicing some major patience these days, but I know it will be here soon enough.
Also, another crazy adventure I'm on is this thing called nursing school. It's a wild ride!! I made it through my first semester and I will admit...it was a lot harder than I thought it would be! All that matters to me is that I made it through. I'm hoping I can get through my second semester and stay focused on school and not sooo much on the baby!
We are also making our way through 2010 as first time home owners! We love our new home and really feel like we picked a jewel. We haven't really had to do anything to our new house. Derek has had to get used to mowing the yard, which most of the time he does without a complaint. I, someone who has never been a big fan of cleaning, have had to get used to cleaning more! We knew it came with the territory though!
The last major adventure (so far, anyway) of 2010 is that Derek will be starting his first real job as a teacher in the fall! He got a position at a small Christian school and he'll be teaching 4th grade. I'm so excited that he got this opportunity because it's something I can tell he's really wanted to do for about the past 2 yrs. Since he started substitute teaching, his heart has grown to educate youngsters. I have seen him teach Sunday school and heard his stories about subbing and can definitely attest that the Lord had blessed him with the ability to teach! He can take something dull and make it so interesting. I think he teaches the way he wished he had been taught.
I'm so excited about all our upcoming journeys. Becoming new parents, first time home owners, and people with (or on our way) to real jobs makes 2010 a very exciting year! I'm excited to share it with my thousands, ok, more like three blog readers.