Monday, August 2, 2010

I know...I know...

I need to blog!! I have been so busy/exhausted with work that I haven't had much time to...nor have I felt up to it! I would take a belly pic, but I truly haven't grown at all I don't feel like. I have been feeling Campbell kick/punch a lot more...which I love. Also, just today, I think I am feeling her hiccup. It's a rhythmic little movement in my belly that kind of tickles a little!!

Campbell got her first bows!! I really had no idea I would be like this with a little girl...but it's really happening. I like all things girl!! Here's a pic of her bows on the bow holder I made.
In other news....there were big plans to paint Campbell's nursery (blue..gasp, I know!) and add some other decorative things (bead board to be exact), but Derek and I have just decided to leave it the way it is. The color is neutral and coordinates, so I think we'd rather save up the money we would spend decorating it and put it in her piggy bank! We can always change it when she get's an opinion anyway!! Well that's all I've got for now. I promise to try to blog more!

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