Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas Celebrations!

Well we just celebrated Christmas with Derek's side of the family. Saturday night we had a Dirty Santa (or White Elephant) party with his dad's family and Sunday was with his mom's side. Instead of doing the big extravagant meal that takes like 2 days of slaving over the stove, they just ordered pizza instead...and I have to say...I loved it! That's my kind of celebration!

We got lot's of great gifts and I LOVE not having to wait till Christmas day to open stuff. I am not much for surprises and I would just rather open up everything and have everyone open up my gifts as soon as we arrive...but unfortunately that's not how it works. I think I will implement some kind of tradition into our family that everyone gets to open up stuff early. At the Dirty Santa party we took a Ice Tea maker and ended up leaving with it, which I was very happy about (although I do not like stealing it back from people, secretly they hold a grudge and I haven't been in the family for that long). At his mom's side Derek and I got lot's of nice clothes, a gift card to O'Charley's (an excuse for a date night!), a cool picture which I am thinking about hanging in the hall, new pillows which are conducive to me sleeping like a baby...I love them! His brother and sister-in-law got us Laundry stuff which is great for us hobo's who have to take our laundry to the mat....and I feel like there is something else, but I can't remember what it is. Needless to say we LOVED all our great gifts and are very appreciative of everything we received!

Tomorrow afternoon we will leave for my parents house. I did some last minute shopping today for my sister and her baby on the way. I got the baby the cutest little corduroy overalls, a matching hat and a wiener dog shirt. Here's a pic...and don't worry, I don't think she gets on my blog.

Derek's mom asked me to put some pics of Christmas up, so here they are.

Derek's parents and his Great Aunt Doris!

Derek's cousins playing Rock Band

Jeremy, Bethany, and Deacon


Deacon and his Mr. Potato head

Jeremy, Deacon and his first basketball goal

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