Sunday, December 7, 2008

Christmas decorating

Well we finally got the tree up. Derek's mom was nice enough to give us a tree that they used to use. Saturday I was all ready to get the tree up and decorate it, but after I opened the tree box I realized there was no stand for the tree. So I sweetly asked Derek if he wouldn't mind to go out and buy one, so an hour and 5 stores later, he was home with a tree stand!! Derek's mom had also given me some gold ornaments, so I bought a few more gold ornaments, some burnt orange ornaments and some burnt orange and gold bows that I was lucky to find. I had bought two boxes of lights, but when I got home I realized 1 box was white light and one was multicolor, so I just used the white that I had. I must admit, in person, it is one of the prettiest little trees I have ever seen. Probably just because it is mine and Derek's and we put it together together. This will be our second Christmas together and I am so thankful for all the love we have between us. We may not have much more than that, but our love is really all I could ever want anyway!


The Svoboda's said...

you BLOG! i am so excited! i love it:)

Anonymous said...

"Oh Tannenbaum, Oh Tannenbaum....." a true Christmas tree!
Pa & Ma Jones

The Fuller Family said...

I just realized you have a blog, so now I can keep up with ya'll. Love the tree by the way!