Monday, April 20, 2009

Today I

Today I...

Ate: Only breakfast food so far. A pastry thing and a bowl of cereal.

Felt: Happy

Listened: the laughter of little kids!

Watched: Ellen...right now.

Loved: watching/listened to Derek sleep/snore on the couch beside me.

Hoped: that someone would go grocery shopping for me....hasn't happened thus far.

Wished: I didn't really have 6 study guide questions to answer tonight that will take me 6 hours to complete.

Enjoyed: having 2 cups of free coffee what if I have the gitters now!

Wondered: why people who don't look so smart, sometimes are.

Drank: oh I kind of already answered this...2 cups of coffee, baby!!

Wanted: kids. and to be able to dance (ie ballywood, ballroom, salsa, doesn't matter to me)

Looked: at my anatomy and physiology book in confusion....for a long time...

You're turn. Copy and paste to your blog!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha!! just had to say i laughed SO hard at your last comment on my blog...that you feel bad for me because now a zillion folks will ask me about my colander! you are too funny:) and, yes, i probably WILL tell them all about it!